Atlassian recently ran the Ultimate Wallboard competition where individuals and companies were invited to send in pictures or videos and descriptions of wallboards that they use to make their lives and jobs easier. Embotics submitted our Scrum wall to this contest and came away with an honourable mention in the Old School category.
The timing of the contest was a little unfortunate for us as we were nearing the end of a release and simultaneously preparing for a release. As a result, I was only able to provide a little colour to our entry but now have the opportunity to elaborate on what our big visible board contains and how it evolved to its current shape.
The timing of the contest was a little unfortunate for us as we were nearing the end of a release and simultaneously preparing for a release. As a result, I was only able to provide a little colour to our entry but now have the opportunity to elaborate on what our big visible board contains and how it evolved to its current shape.
Continue reading Our Big Information Radiator.