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Recently in Book Summaries Category

Book: Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard

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Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard
by Chip Heath and Dan Heath

Summary: Change is hard because there is conflict between the rational side of your mind that understands why a change is necessary and the emotional side of your mind that is comfortable with the current situation. There are paths to resolve this conflict and allow change to occur.

Intended Audience: Agents of change; people seeking change but are unable to do so; those concerned about people facing corporate changes

Book: Linchpin: Are You Indispensable?

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by Seth Godin

Summary: The shift from manufacturing in factories to creation by knowledge workers provides individuals with the ability to hone their skills and make themselves indispensable to organizations

Intended Audience: Anyone who sees the opportunity to take control of their careers

Book: The Wisdom of Crowds

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The Wisdom of Crowds
by James Surowiecki

Summary: An very accessible discussion about why crowds of random people can often draw better and more accurate conclusions than a small group of experts.

Intended Audience: Interesting to all, especially those who make decisions with the help of their teams

Book: Implementing Lean Software Development

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Implementing Lean Software Development: From Concept to Cash
by Mary and Tom Poppendieck

Summary: A highly readable description of lean software development, with an abundance of guides and tips for figuring out how to apply the principles to increase the effectiveness of your teams

Intended Audience: Those who use lean practices and those who want to implement them in their software development organization

Book: Extreme Programming Explained

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Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change
by Kent Beck

Summary: The seminal explanation of Extreme Programming (XP), including the problems it addresses, its fundamental philosophies, and how these philosophies can be implemented in software development organization.

Intended Audience: Any and every development team member, agile or not; those who support and lead these teams

Book: Bridging the Communications Gap

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Bridging the Communication Gap
by Gojko Adzic

Summary: This book is an excellent guide to using acceptance test driven development and specification by example to improve communication and help build the right product.

Intended Audience: Business analysts, product owners, and the engineering team
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